Our Services
Image: Hayes Davidson, courtesy Oakridge Park

Green Roofs and Living Walls
We have over 20 years’ international experience working with green roofs, including design, installation and maintenance, as well as research, education and advocacy.
Our services include:
– design, build, maintenance, monitoring, restoration
– specifications, plant lists
– project management
– technical support, documentation
– study tours (e.g., Green Roof Safari)
– outreach and education (spoken and written)

Ecological Green Infrastructure
We are passionate about regenerative green infrastructure that honours ecological principles. Christine spent 7 years working with Nigel Dunnett in the University of Sheffield design studios, which included hundreds of design ideas for the Grey to Green scheme (check out the before/ after slider in the image).
Our services include:
– design, build, maintenance, restoration
– specifications, plant lists
– technical support, documentation
– project management
– plant monitoring
– outreach and education (spoken and written)
Plant specifications
We have always worked with native plants, and consider them essential components of ecosystem function. We consider native bees our primary clients, given their keystone role to ecosystem function, yet we also work on behalf of amphibians, birds, mammals and aquatic life forms.
Our services include:
– creating, reviewing lists
– meadow making (design, build, maintain, monitoring, project management)
– delivering educational talks and workshops on behalf of the Native Bee Society of BC
– facilitating collaborations with the NBSBC
Why Choose Ecotone
Ecotone understands the big picture (like policy levers and climate projections) while cultivating perspective with localized resolution (like species and relationships). We are constantly developing and refining our understanding of indigenous and novel ecosystems, the species that comprise them, and the ecological and cultural dynamics that could be directed to improve conditions for biodiversity. We are called to support and advocate for species, communities or ecosystems who need a helping hand.